Congratulations to the graduating RSEA Class of 2019!

May 23, 2019

Twenty students are set to graduate with a well-earned AM in Regional Studies - East Asia. Graduands will celebrate at the RSEA Reception on May 29th and receive their diploma on Harvard Commencement Day, May 30th.

Congratulations to the Class of 2019:

Joa Alexander

Menglan Chen

Yuqian Nora Chen

Da In Ann Choi

Nam Hoang

Fan Hong

Benjamin Jacobs

Georgia Kashnig

Jia Yao Kuek

Tao Lin

Xiao You Mok

Melvin Sanborn

Jie Sun

Kuan Hian Tan

Erin Trumble

Yingxue Wang

Narusa Yamato

Terasa Younker

Amy Yuan Xin Zhang

Qieer Ellie Zhang